NYTIP INSIDER – on lga and ny’s highway addiction

So the Port Authority released their recommendations (PDF file) for LaGuardia Airport (LGA) transit alternatives, along with a brief summary (also PDF file) of said recommendations. (The Port Authority also issued a press release with links to the same PDF files.)

It’s enough to make one bang their head on a desk repeatedly, so on today’s INSIDER, let’s explore key takeaways and rant about New York State’s obsession with endless asthma- *cough* *cough* -er, highway expansion.

[Not going anywhere for a while?]

NYTIP INSIDER – on the delicate balance between de-interlining and destabilization

If you’ve read my blog for any length of time, you’ve noticed I’m hard at work on a personal project called the New York Transportation Improvement Plan, or NYTIP. With regard to subways, NYTIP prescribes a three-point plan – enhance, extend, and expand. NYTIP is about the long game, but in order to win that game, one must lay the proper foundation.

[let’s set the foundation!]